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How to Write Like a Pro: Revision Strategies for Students




Revision is a necessary practice in effective writing. It involves using close reading and self-critique to check the quality and accuracy of written works. Revisions are done to ensure that what you think you said is what you said. Revisions give the chance to change something, modify a response, or add and remove information as is necessary.

Admittedly, seeing the information repeatedly can make the job seem much more tedious. Despite this, no one can deny that revisions are the single most effective tool to improve your writing skills in a short time, practically when it comes to effective writing. This article explores a few strategies to help students with revisions during their writing process:

Read Over What You Have Written

If you find what you have written hard to read, chances are, the other person will too. You read over to identify incorrect words, use poor structure and connect scattered thoughts into one clear and cohesive idea. One of the best ways to do this is by adding connecting words. These become useful for flow and synergy in pieces, especially between paragraphs.

Read Out Loud to Someone Else

Though you see it on paper, reading it out loud gives a different way to engage with the text written. You can now hear the mechanics of what you have written in action. You get to hear if the message you intended is being conveyed clearly. You can hear incorrect word order, awkward phrasing and other little aspects that would have otherwise been missed.

Secondly, someone lending you an ear can go a long way in helping with revising. Whereas you have been exposed to the outline of your writing, finding someone with fresh ears gives the chance to hear a new perspective on what can be changed and what is alright as is.

Keep Constantly Evolving Drafts

Make sure that each revision is separated into drafts. The first draft can focus on getting your ideas out on paper, the second should be organized, and the third is meant to connect main ideas and create cohesion throughout the written piece.

When revising, each version should make your main ideas more straightforward. For example, if you have trouble establishing clarity, you might need to revisit your point and find ways to rephrase it so that readers get a clear image of what is being said.

Allow Time for Revisions

This particular strategy is self-explanatory. Students need to give themselves ample time to review their work after the final draft is finished. This means that they may get the chance to refine their work as is necessary. Students should do what they can to create time for revisions in writing as a part of the writing process.

Sometimes, to get students enthusiastic about revisions, they must be taught engaging lessons. For example, social studies projects for 5th graders can be interesting for teachers looking for variety in how writing tasks are set up. Adobe Education Exchange provides a platform for students and teachers to make creative school presentations. This can be a good resource for adding creativity to lessons.

Like writing, revision is a skill that can be improved through careful and practiced dedication. You can let these strategies be your guide in a step-by-step instruction of how to improve your writing.


Ways in Which Casino Gaming Boosts Mental Capabilities





Everyone knows that casino gaming is an avenue to increase the value of a wager. The sector is typically seen as a way for individuals to entertain themselves. However, most people don’t know that casino gaming boosts mental capabilities and improves mental health.

Numerous scientific research have been conducted on how real money online casino gaming affects the average player’s brain. These studies have revealed that if players don’t become too engrossed in gaming, they become faster at mental processes.

The casino sector has exploded in recent years due to the emergence of the internet. Casinos that are moving or expanding their business models online are experiencing high levels of growth. This is mainly due to the increased reach and convenience of online casino gaming.

There are lots of mental health benefits that can be gained from engaging in online casino gaming. This article will highlight the most common advantages for mental well-being.

How Casino Gaming Enhances Your Mental Health

● Recognizing Patterns Better

Several widely played casino games necessitate well-constructed strategies. There’s also the need to recognize patterns to gain an edge over the machine or other players. For instance, card games in casinos work on how well a player can recognize patterns rather than random chance.

Being able to create a winning strategy and recognizing patterns are indications that you are mentally sharp. Casino gaming has a way to boost these capabilities, which means engaging more in casino games enhances your mental processes.

Even if you’re delving into a casino game that’s new to you, you’d still have to learn the rules of the game to become better. This engages your brain, making certain that it remains active and healthy.

● Becoming Better at Observations

Another key mental benefit of playing casino games is improved observation. For instance, a game like poker requires you to study your adversary to gain an edge. Similarly, if you’re winning, you must keep a ‘poker face.’

Maintaining a face displaying no emotions while trying to figure out other players works your brain well. This is also known as a mental exercise, which is beneficial in the long term. When you utilize your newfound observational skills at a casino, you engage your brain in mental exercises.

● Enhances Short-Term Memory Retention

If you want to become better at pattern recognition and observation, you’ll need short-term memory retention. When you play casino games, you ultimately become better at short-term memory retention.

Another benefit of engaging in iGaming is the excitement and happiness of winning money. Nevertheless, even if you don’t win, you still get mental health benefits since excitement reduces your stress level.

The relationship between stress level and memory skills is negative. The lower your stress level, the more your memory skills will improve. Research has revealed that card games in casinos can lower your chances of developing mental health issues like dementia.

● Boosts Cognitive Flexibility

Cognitive flexibility describes the ease with which you alter your behavior based on the environment you find yourself in. This ability is highly required in online casino gaming to gain an edge over the house or other players.

For example, if your card game betting strategy requires you to be largely passive for most of the game, you might need to adapt based on a player’s tell. This way, you’d be better suited to win the game.

The benefits of improving your cognitive ability go beyond winning casino games. It is also an important life skill. Hence, playing casino games and improving your cognitive abilities can improve your survival skills.

● Increase in Attention Span

Since attention span is needed to gain an edge in casino games, you’ll have to develop it when engaging in them. Casino games are designed to capture your attention. This correlates to improving your attention span. Individuals with ADHD have also improved their attention span after engaging in casino games.


Several people know that one of the benefits of casino gaming is winning wagers. However, only a few know that casino gaming provides mental health benefits. When you engage in casino games, you become better at observing. You also improve your attention span and enhance short-term memory retention. And you also tend to recognize patterns better and boost your cognitive skills.

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Five Ways to Learn New Skills in Your Spare Time





Are you utilizing your spare time properly? Spare time can make you lazy, but you can try making it a productive time. For example, try investing your spare time learning new skills that can benefit you at various stages.

Learning something new can always make your time productive rather than just wasting it. Learning just does not mean gaining knowledge of something new. It also means improving the old skills with which you are not great at.

In a certain way, skills are the ability to do something properly or with perfection. Learning a skill will make you disciplined, organized, and curious to learn new things.

Skills can help you with career possibilities, professional contacts, and enhancing knowledge. Here are five ways to help you learn new skills in your spare time.


Interest makes you curious to learn new things in the best way possible. You can be a self-learner, a teacher for yourself by repeatedly working on your field of interest and learning the best of them.

A skill does not mean being an expert at it; it just means learning something and being capable of doing it.

In a way, your interest will always play a key role in learning something because the more the curiosity, the better the perfection.

Online courses

In the world of technology we stay, we have been proceeding to get everything on the table. Online courses can help you learn things just at home. You are productive in the same atmosphere you choose. This can help you develop skills like language learning, painting, sketching, and a few others.

This facility provides you with options that you can pick according to your field of interest.

Various videos can also help you learn things that you always wanted to. In less time, you can develop more skills.

Ulleo is a comprehensive platform for industry-led short online courses. You can check their website and select the course that works best for you.

Friends and family

We mostly spend our time with our friends and family. But, as we all know, peer-group is very influential. They can also be a medium to learn something new.

We usually tend to copy our peer group; this can also be positive. Each one can have a special talent or skill lacking in you or not at a proficient level. Discussion and getting involved with them will also help you learn something new.

This will also be two-way learning. So while you learn something from them, they will learn something from you.


Reading is a skill, but it would be a double benefit if you already like reading. First, when you read something new, it might develop an interest in you to do the same thing. Not necessary that everything new might seem interesting to you. But at the time, the weirdest combination of hacks would catch your eyes, and your curiosity to try it is a way to begin learning a new skill.

Reading will also develop good vocabulary skills and will help you.


Communication is one such skill that we all tend to mess up with. Our emotions are one, but the way we communicate may give it an opposite meaning or a meaning different from ours. Discussion with others will help you know and learn a few things that you are not aware of. Communication with professionals, teachers, artists, etc., will inspire you to learn good things with curiosity.

Ending note

Skills are of different kinds. In simple words, every new thing you learn is a skill in you. Not everybody can perform everything at the same level.

Various other ways will help you learn skills. For example, free time is a rest time, but it can also be converted into a productive way if learned properly.

Whenever you start a new skill, always try to complete the learning process. Bits and parcels of learning will make you productive for a brief period but will not always serve you. Learning should always involve your interest in it. Forceful learning will develop skills but not in a positive manner. Learning something new with your complete interest will positively impact you.

Learning is a process that should always be enjoyed and loved, rather than just learning something just for the sake of knowing it.

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9 Easy Tips to Improve Your Handwriting





Handwriting involves the skill and technique of writing. The need to make improvements to this skill has been put on hold by a lot of people, owing to the smartphones and other technologies available. But, this shouldn’t really be the case. Remarkable handwriting is like your personality making its mark through stamped ink.

Beautiful and legible handwriting is still something many of us haven’t acquired. In fact, according to a statistic, every third school-going kid has bad handwriting. However, good handwriting is a lot different from calligraphy.

Calligraphy involves more of an artistic prowess reflected in the form of letters, usually written in different styles and perfect shapes. It also requires time. Handwriting should be at a pace quick enough to jot down important details.

Parents also make their children join handwriting classes at a tender age, to help them develop this skill in the right manner. People who have exceptionally beautiful writing are being employed in several industries serving several purposes.

For instance, in Bookbinders Design, the art of bookbinding comes together with the art of stylized writing to personalize products of various kinds. For more details, you can always visit their website.

So, let’s quickly move on to how you can improve your handwriting in 9 easy ways.

1. Sit in a comfortable space to write

When you take on the task of improving your handwriting, make sure you sit in a comfortable writing space. Let the area be spacious enough so that you have sufficient space to rest your elbows and write. Make sure your hands and arms are relaxed.

2. Choose a good pen

The right pen is basically the one you feel comfortable writing with. It might be an ink pen, gel pen or a ball pen of the brand that you prefer.

3. Choose the right kind of paper

The most preferable kind of paper for practising handwriting is the one having a grid. But, also ensure that the grids are big enough to help you place equal attention and emphasis on every single letter.

4. Your grip should be perfect

The grip is proper when none of your muscles is unduly flexed and you aren’t holding onto the pen too tightly. Putting too much pressure on the pen may exhaust you a lot quicker.

5. Rotate your paper as and when required

In some schools, it is asked to hold the paper at a specific angle but that isn’t necessary. You can try out different angles to find what works out the best for you.

6. Do regular drills

Regardless of what kind of writing you are trying to practice, it’s always good to do some initial warm-up in the form of drills.

Once you get into the habit of performing these drills, you will start seeing the improvement yourself. You can also perform these drills with the help of worksheets that have specially structured exercises.

7. Steal some time to practice writing as and when you can

There’s no shadow of doubt in the phrase “Practice makes a man perfect.” So, try finding ways to practice writing by executing the styles that you have learned.

For instance, instead of typing your to-do list on your smartphone, prefer writing it down. If penning down your thoughts interests you, then you can also journal every night or at any other time that you prefer.

8. Don’t lose out on your personal style

Handwriting is a personal skill that is always subject to change. There will be days when it will be perfectly neat and not so neat on some other days. Instead of getting disappointed, try your best to focus on writing confident and bold characters.

9. Practice at a slow pace

Unless there’s a dire need to hurry, take adequate pauses and take your writing at a slow pace. This brings out a beautiful outcome.

Over to you…

When you commit to improving an already existing skill, it takes time before the results are visible. So, practice regularly by following these tips and see it for yourself. Remember, you’ll not see the results overnight, it will take time. So, be at it, buddy. It will all be worth it.

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