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61 Best Agriculture Quotes to Remind Us of the Importance of It



The whole world is dependent on agriculture for the production of food and the raw materials of industries. Without agriculture, there wouldn’t be sufficient food, so that human survival would have been impossible.

In fact, the beginning of human civilization was through agriculture. When humans learned to grow crops after applying their intelligence, their food habits changed, cultivation began in a wide range, trade and commerce started, and soon humans became more civilized and organized as a species.

Now, the economy of many countries all over the world is fully dependent on agriculture. With the modernization of agriculture and the advancement of science and technology, production has increased to a great extent, and the food crisis is slowly being removed from the world.

In spite of the rapid industrialization in the present times, agriculture will always remain a necessary sector for the economy of all countries. All the people who are engaged in the agriculture sector are crucial assets of our society.

Thus the importance of agriculture for human beings and the world economy is immense. Here are 61 quotes that will open your eyes to the significance of agriculture in our lives.

Agriculture Quotes That Will Make You Fall in Love with the Land

  1. Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness. –Thomas Jefferson
  2. No race can prosper until it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. –Booker T. Washington
  3. As long as there are a few farmers out there, we’ll keep fighting for them. –Willie Nelson
  4. Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the cornfield. –Dwight D. Eisenhower
  5. Do what you love to do, and be around things that make you smile. The cows make me smile every day. –David Jackson
  6. Farmers only worry during the growing season, but townspeople worry all the time.Edgar Watson Howe
  7. Agriculture engenders good sense and a good sense of an excellent kind. –Joseph Joubert

The land is where the food is born and where the food growsafter proper care and nourishment. Farming is an extremely toilsome job, and only those who have done it fully understand that. People who neglect farmers will always like to pretend farming is an easy job.

But farmers shed gallons of sweat all day and turn an entire field into a source of food. They grow crops, tend to the livestock, catch fishes, and do the whole job of farming with love and passion. It’s because of their hard work that we have food on our plates.

Therefore, farming is a fun and noble job. Growing anything over a long time, taking care of it, and seeing it take the full form is always a delightful feeling, and farmers get to experience that every year. Eating what you produced is also another self-satisfying feeling!

Inspirational Agriculture Quotes and Sayings All of Us Should Read

  1. The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. –Masanobu Fukuoka
  2. Agriculture is the foundation of manufactures since the productions of nature are the materials of art.
  3. I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world. –George Washington
  4. It is impossible to have a healthy and sound society without proper respect for the soil.
  5. Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise.
  6. Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.
  7. The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life. –Arthur Keith
  8. Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation but the only riches she can call her own. –Samuel Johnson

It is not possible for a nation to prosper without realizing the importance of land and agriculture and the meaning it holds for the world. Human civilization would have never advanced if agriculture wasn’t discovered by the people of those times.

Through agriculture, a bridge is formed between humans and nature. Humans give love to the land, and in return, the land gifts the humans with a beautiful harvest. It is a long and hard process, but the fruit of it is never bitter. The fruit of your hard work is always sweet.

Farmers are diligent and hard-working people. They embrace the act of farming with their whole body and find their homes and comforts in the crop-field. They strive to produce food not only for themselves but also for the whole country.

Famous Agriculture Quotes by Presidents You’ll Be Interested In

  1. I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman’s cares. –President George Washington
  2. I am entirely a farmer, soul, and body, never scarcely admitting a sentiment on any other subject. –President Thomas Jefferson
  3. No other human occupation opens so wide a field for the profitable and agreeable combination of labor with cultivated thought as agriculture. –President Abraham Lincoln
  4. Agriculture is now, as it’s always been, the basis of civilization. The 6 million farms of the United States…form the basis of all other achievements of the American people, and are more fruitful than all their other resources. –President Theodore Roosevelt
  5. The proper role of government, however, is that of partner with the farmer, never his master. By every possible means, we must develop and promote that partnership to the end that agriculture may continue to be a sound, enduring foundation for our economy and that farm living may be a profitable and satisfying experience. –President Dwight Eisenhower
  6. The miracle of American agriculture is thus an example to all the world’s billions of the wisdom and the rewards of our democratic system. For more than a century, that system has encouraged the development of the family farm and the free and independent farmer. –President Lyndon B. Johnson
  7. We’re a blessed nation because we can grow our food. A nation that can feed its people is a nation more secure. –President George W. Bush

The world has seen many Presidents over the centuries. But not all of them have realized the importance of agriculture and cultivation for human society. Not all of them have empathized with the farmers’ struggles and fought in their favor.

No matter how filled with human resources, the development of a nation will be fully hindered if the agricultural sector collapses. So the government needs to put full effort into the development of the sector as well as the protection of those who work in this sector.

No government should try to control their farmers or decide their worth. Farmers keep the economy alive, and farming isn’t a job just anyone can do. So farmers must be given their due respect and deserved rights.

 Sustainable Agriculture Quotes That’ll Open Our Mind

  1. A sustainable agriculture is one that depletes neither the people nor the land.
  2. The great advances of civilization, whether in architecture or painting, in science or literature, in industry or agriculture, have never come from centralized government. –Milton Friedman
  3. Sustainable Agriculture does not deplete soils or people. –Wendell Berry
  4. When it comes to taking genes from viruses and bacteria and putting them into plants, people say, ‘Yuck! Why would scientists do that?’ Because sometimes it is the safest, cheapest, and most effective technology to advance sustainable agriculture and enhance food security. –Pamela Ronald
  5. The sanctuary would be the epicenter for the foundation. We’ll have think tanks there. It’s going to be an amazing place. As an educational home base, we will also focus on the development of a sustainable agriculture initiative. It’s a huge project but one I am exceptionally passionate about. –Ian Somerhalder
  6. To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I’m interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one.

In the present times, environmental pollution has gone so far, and the human population has increased so much that sustainable agriculture is the only fruitful way to protect the soil as well as the people. In order to not harm the environment while simultaneously producing more food, sustainable agriculture has no alternative.

Sustainable agricultural systems use the far-reaching facilities of science and biotechnology to ensure a multiplied production within a shorter time. The resources required are more, but it renders no harm whatsoever to the environment and puts no scratch on the overall production, so it is a very effective system.

Motivational Agriculture Quotes That’ll Inspire More Devotion to Agriculture

  1. The demand for organic food is growing at a remarkable rate. Consumers have made it clear that they want organic produce, and every sector of the food chain is responding, with the kind of results we have just seen. –Prince Charles
  2. Country without a farmer is a tree without fruit.
  3. Agriculture! One thing that makes us survive on this planet.
  4. Agricultural growth is a proven driver of poverty reduction. When agriculture stimulates growth … the growth is twice as effective in reducing poverty as growth based in other sectors. –Giza Mode
  5. Agriculture is at the core of the state. –Dave Cook
  6. Agriculture is a fundamental source of national prosperity. –J. J. Mapes
  7. Agriculture for an honorable and high-minded man is the best of all occupations and arts by which men procure the means of living.
  8. An agricultural life is one eminently calculated for human happiness and human virtue.
  9. Agriculture looks different today; our farmers are using GPS, and you can monitor your irrigation systems over the Internet.
  10. To make agriculture sustainable, the grower has got to be able to make a profit. –Sam Farr
  11. Agriculture has become essential to life; the forest, the lake, and the ocean cannot sustain the increasing family of man; population declines with declining cultivation, and nations have ceased to be with the extinction of their agriculture. –Elias Hasket Derby

Agriculture is the reason humans have been able to survive through the hardest of times. Even in the present world, every other sector we claim is the most important sector for economic growth depends on agriculture.

So being engaged in agriculture is definitely something to be proud of. No one but a farmer has such a deep friendship with nature. No one but a farmer can understand the endless bounties of the world with open eyes.

No one but a farmer can feel the happiness of growing something with their own hands and own sweat and experience the comfort of knowing that the food they grew will fill someone’s stomach somewhere.

 Short Agriculture Quotes to Keep in Mind Always

  1. As mankind becomes more enlightened to know their real interests, they will esteem the value of agriculture; they will find it in their natural–their destined occupation. –Burke
  2. Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful, and most noble employment of man.
  3. There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.
  4. It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the Spring, who reaps a harvest in the Autumn.
  5. Agriculture is the noblest of all alchemy, for it turns earth, and even manure, into gold, conferring upon its cultivator the additional reward of health.

No other job but farming can give you good health, prosperity, self-satisfaction, food, and happiness.The sense of fulfillment a farmer can get by producing something helpful for the world is unparalleled, incomparable.

It is undoubtedly a noble profession, where the harder you work, the better results you will see. Agriculture is proof that nature is our biggest friend, our biggest home. By agriculture, we can turn an empty, barren, ugly land into a beautiful place filled with edible crops, fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

These crops, fruits, vegetables, and flowers will eventually become the reason for someone’s smile. These will go to the market, and someone will be happy to receive a good amount of money by selling them. These will provide nutrition, growth, and a healthy body to someone. These will be exported to other countries and cause economic development.

So can anyone deny what an amazing and beautiful profession farming is?

Captions for Agriculture to Share on Instagram and WhatsApp

  1. The farmer has to be an optimist, or he wouldn’t still be a farmer.
  2. The master’s eye is the best fertilizer.
  3. We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist.
  4. Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.
  5. Even if a farmer intends to loaf, he gets up in time to get an early start.
  6. Farming isn’t something that can be taught. Each plant tells its own story that has to be read repeatedly.
  7. Farmers are philosophical. They have learned that it is less wearing to shrug than to beat their breasts.

Social media networks are the best places to spread awareness on any issue. In the modern world, everyone is connected with each other by a web called the internet. It is easy to contact anyone from any corner of the world because of it.

There are many people who don’t realize the significance of farming and the farmers, and hence they continue to degrade the agricultural sector. They consider farming a profession of the poor people, a profession that does not deserve respect, a profession that gets you nothing.

This kind of mentality can be harmful to a country. So spreading good words about this noble profession is necessary. With your social media captions, stories, hashtags, and everything else, you can be the one to let the world know how high this sector stands when it comes to importance.

Through social media, you can be the change. You can be the one to open people’s eyes to the matter. So what are you waiting for? Share these quotes with your followers!

Farming Quotes to Let Us Know the Importance of Farming

  1. Farming is a profession of hope. –Brett Brian
  2. When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.
  3. The story of family farming underscores a legacy of sustainability.
  4. The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways. –John F. Kennedy
  5. The goal of any farmer, after producing enough to feed his own family, has always been to find the best place to sell the year’s crop. –Sonny Perdue
  6. Good farmers, who take seriously their duties as stewards of Creation and of their land’s inheritors, contribute to the welfare of society in more ways than society usually acknowledges or even knows. These farmers produce valuable goods, of course, but they also conserve soil, they conserve water, they conserve wildlife, they conserve open space, they conserve scenery. 
  7. The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it, we can have no community because, without proper care for it, we can have no life.  
  8. We have neglected the truth that a good farmer is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist. –Wendell Berry
  9. If the rain spoils our picnic but saves a farmer’s crop, who are we to say it shouldn’t rain.
  10. The first farmer was the first man. All historic nobility rests on the possession and use of land. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sustenance blooms through farming. And along with the sustenance, blooms hope for a better harvest, for a life where there would be no wants, for a world where no one will have to starve.

It seems like the only thing farmers do is harvest food and sells them on the plain eye. But no, farmers do a much bigger service to this world. Farmers keep nature alive; farmers keep the beauty of greenery alive. In this rapidly urbanizing world, farmers keep the wildlife alive.

Farming is an art. No one but certain artists owns the hands and the patience to work on this art. All art and artists should be appreciated, so farmers should not be an exception. All farmers deserve respect for their work and rights like anyone else.


Agriculture is a gift to our existence, though it is not always acknowledged as so. No matter how far civilization goes, agriculture will continue to be the source of our sustenance, our only direct connection with nature, our hopes, and dreams.

The wheel of the economy will never progress further without agriculture as its fuel. The more the agricultural sector gets modernized, the more our production will increase, and the more human civilization will advance to the peak of development.

Farmers are not appreciated enough by society, but they are the craftsmen behind this development. They are the ones who have shed their blood, sweat, and tears in the hopes of creating a better world. So they deserve all our love and respect for their hard work.

To conclude, nothing beats the importance of agriculture for our personal as well as national life.


Secrets of Effective Digital Marketing for Small Firms




There is much to be said about the range of advertising activities directly linked to digitalization, digital transformation, automation, and so on.

However, knowing the secrets of online marketing can provide a chance to achieve high success in the online space by utilizing relevant channels, tools, and technologies.

This is not about the conventional promotion methods that have become obsolete. Today, marketing plans and schemes that are effective in practice are very popular. It’s definitely time to forget about old approaches such as television, SMS mailing, newspapers, and magazines.

To finally ensure the promotion of a small enterprise, firm, or organization on the web at a decent level, it is time to take advantage of services from a Buffalo SEO company, which will be indispensable. The essence is that every brand dreams of achieving high positions and rankings in search engines.

This is a completely normal and acceptable phenomenon that opens up a multitude of prospects (increasing conversion rates, reach, audience, traffic, and other digital growth indicators).

But to achieve them, it is important to engage in a competent advertising and SEO campaign and to use some “tricks” and secrets.

What are the key nuances of using digital marketing that are important to know?

Today’s reality demonstrates that it is impossible to succeed without the implementation of various up-to-date and modern online channels, the use of different strategic plans, and other technologies.

Moreover, it is crucial to integrate all these elements into a unified concept for global effectiveness. The secrets that can help a brand become a top leader in the modern market include the following:

  • digital channels, targeting, and “tricks” from e-commerce can significantly personalize customer acquisition and advertising strategies;
  • time-saving – a resource that is almost impossible to recover, and saving money, which is important to spend rationally on advertising campaigns;
  • configuring only those tools that allow a quick and seamless entry into the online sphere and help respond swiftly to market changes;
  • utilizing various functions, options, trends, methods, and tactics that contribute to the primary goal of every small business – increasing profit, and so on.

Regardless of how work in the field of Internet marketing begins, brands should ensure they create a platform where they can describe products or services, offer them for purchase, and provide various payment options.

Additionally, they should ensure the navigation on the web resource is as convenient and intuitive as possible, and that the website is accessible not only from laptops or computers but also from other devices, including portable ones (tablets, mobile phones, smartphones, etc.).

What additional secrets should small businesses keep in mind for reaching the top?

The digital world is constantly changing and updating. This means that brands need to optimize their web content for popular search engines. Both contextual advertising and texts, articles, descriptions, and posts should be rational, adequate, informative, and useful.

Service descriptions with calls to action may be the best option to encourage customers to purchase a product or order a service and pay for it immediately using the selected method on the site.

When a website has everything users might need at hand, both literally and figuratively, they are less likely to turn to competitors. Additional secrets that should be considered include:

  • developing a strategic marketing plan that outlines all steps and specific stages of optimization and promotion;
  • implementing SEO solutions that are relevant today and help with the perception of online robots’ algorithms during promotion;
  • allocating a budget for launching, setting up, and publishing advertising campaigns, which include not only targeting but also contextual advertising;
  • creating and developing your own community on web platforms and social networks where your potential audience is predominant;
  • interacting with well-known personalities who can become role models for the target audience;
  • utilizing advertising campaigns in mobile web applications, where competition is currently very low;
  • implementing online services that automate various processes, including providing online answers to frequently asked voice message questions;
  • using additional “features” by adding various relevant functions and options to the site, as well as services, including free ones, to make purchasing products and ordering services as convenient as possible, and so on.

Setting primary goals for the future will help small firms, organizations, and enterprises stay afloat for as long as possible. The decision to use digital marketing in their strategies is fully justified because it really works.

Overall, any business that cares about high-quality service delivery or product sales, sets competitive prices, and strives to understand the modern consumer, has a chance to become a top leader and be as customer-oriented as possible.

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Wheelchairs: Types, Functions, Advantages, and Recommendations for Choosing




Wheelchairs Types Functions Advantages and Recommendations for Choosing

Wheelchairs are an essential means of transportation for people with disabilities, helping them maintain mobility, independence, and improve their quality of life. They provide comfort and convenience in everyday life, allowing users to be active and independent.

Let’s explore the different types, functions, and advantages of wheelchairs, and provide recommendations on how to choose the right one.

Types of Wheelchairs

There are several types of wheelchairs, each with its own characteristics and purpose:

1. Mechanical.

Mechanical or manual wheelchairs are propelled by the user or an assistant. They are simple in design, lightweight and affordable.


  • Light weight.
  • Easy to use and maintain.
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Do not require power supply.


  • Require physical effort to move.
  • Limited speed and range of movement.
  • Not suitable for people with limited hand strength.

2. Electric.

Equipped with a motor and controlled by a joystick or remote control. They are suitable for people with disabilities who cannot move the wheelchair on their own.


  • Easy to operate.
  • Ability to travel long distances.
  • High level of comfort and support.
  • Suitable for users with reduced mobility.


  • High cost.
  • The need for regular battery charging.
  • Large weight and dimensions.

3. Sports.

Sports wheelchairs are designed for active users who play sports or lead an active lifestyle. They have a lightweight and durable design, with special wheels and accessories to improve maneuverability and speed.


  • Lightness and maneuverability.
  • Strength and durability.
  • Suitable for an active lifestyle.


  • High cost.
  • Not always suitable for everyday use.

4. Children’s.

Children’s wheelchairs are specially designed for young users with disabilities. They take into account children’s physiological characteristics and provide a high level of comfort and safety.


  • Adaptation to the needs of children.
  • Adjustable components for child growth.
  • High level of comfort and safety.


  • Limited period of use due to the child’s growth.
  • High cost of specialized models.

5. Wheelchairs for an active lifestyle.

Designed for users who lead an active lifestyle despite physical limitations, including work, travel, and sports. They combine lightness, maneuverability, and comfort.


  • High maneuverability and lightness.
  • Suitable for an active lifestyle.
  • Convenient for traveling.


  • May be less comfortable for prolonged use.
  • High cost.

You can find a wide range of wheelchairs from world-famous brands:

Functions of Wheelchairs

They perform several important functions that help users maintain independence and improve their quality of life:

  • Mobility. Their main function is to ensure the mobility of the user, allowing them to move around at home, at work, and on the street.
  • Support. They provide the necessary support for people with disabilities, helping them maintain proper posture and avoid injury.
  • Comfort. They provide comfort through ergonomic design, adjustable seats and backrests, and additional accessories such as armrests and footrests.
  • Independence. Wheelchairs help users maintain their independence, allowing them to perform daily tasks and engage in social activities independently.

Advantages of Wheelchairs

Wheelchairs have several advantages that make them indispensable for people with disabilities:

  1. Improved quality of life. They help users lead an active lifestyle, participate in social activities, and maintain independence.
  2. Reducing physical activity. They reduce the physical load on a person with disabilities, allowing them to move around effortlessly.
  3. Improved safety. Ensure user safety by helping to avoid falls and injuries.
  4. Comfort and support. Provide comfort and support, helping to maintain proper posture and avoid pain and discomfort.

Recommendations for Choosing a Wheelchair.

  • Identification of needs. Before choosing a wheelchair, it is important to identify your needs and requirements. Consider your lifestyle, activity level, physical abilities, and medical needs.
  • Consultation with a specialist. Consult your doctor or rehabilitation specialist. They can help you determine which type of wheelchair is best for your needs.
  • Read reviews and ratings. Read reviews and ratings of different models. This will help you find a reliable and comfortable wheelchair that meets your needs.
  • Test the wheelchair. Be sure to try it out before you buy. Make sure it is comfortable, easy to operate, and meets your needs.
  • Warranty and service. Check the warranty terms and availability of service centers in your area. This will ensure timely repairs and maintenance.

Wheelchairs are an important means of transportation for people with disabilities. They help maintain mobility, independence, and improve quality of life. Choosing the right wheelchair depends on the needs and requirements of the user, as well as the conditions in which it will be used. Consultation with a specialist, reading reviews and testing will help you make the right choice and ensure maximum comfort and support.

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The Many Uses for Binoculars




Binoculars are an incredibly practical and versatile tool that can be used in a variety of settings. From birdwatching to stargazing, binoculars offer the user a unique perspective on their environment. They also have many practical uses such as hunting, surveillance, sports events, and emergency response teams. With binoculars you can see far distances with clarity and detail – all you need is two lenses.

Whether for recreational or professional purposes, the uses for binoculars are many, as they provide their users with a clear view of surroundings from potentially great distances. In this article, we will discuss some of the many uses for binoculars so that you can get the most out of your investment.

For Birdwatchers

Binoculars can be used to observe animals in their natural habitats. The advantage of using binoculars in this kind of environment is that they provide an unobtrusive way to watch birds and other wildlife without disturbing them. This allows those who bird watch to observe behaviors and identify species from a safe distance.

For Stargazers

A pair of binoculars allows viewers to observe stars and planets in the night sky with a clear view. Stargazers can use binoculars to spot constellations, galaxies, and even asteroids. You do not necessarily need to have a top-of-the-range telescope to enjoy this hobby in an amateur way. There is much to see and admire about the night sky.

If there is a galaxy far away we will, of course, not see it with a pair of binoculars but there are lots of other astrological things to be identified to start your hobby affordably.

For Hunting and Outdoor Activities

Hunters will commonly use binoculars to help them locate prey. They also come in handy while exploring new outdoor terrain as they provide users with a clear view of potential obstacles or dangers.

If you need to see ahead, then binoculars are the tool that allows you to proceed with caution or with assurance because you know what is coming.

The idea with hunting is to see your prey before it sees you, and with the right equipment and the cover of a bush or undergrowth, you can make this possible.

For Surveillance and Security

Binoculars provide an effective way to monitor spaces from afar. Law enforcement officers, security guards, and military personnel all use binoculars to keep an eye on the area they are protecting.

Surveillance is about discretion, and for this new need to right tools of the trade.

For Sports Events

Using binoculars, a better view of a sporting event can be achievable. This includes being able to view close-ups of the immediate action or a star player that you are following.

Binoculars are especially helpful in outdoor stadiums where greater distances can be involved.

For Emergency Response Teams

With a good pair of binoculars, emergency response teams can assess the situation from afar before entering a dangerous environment. It is good to be able to check on a situation from a safe distance should you have that kind of occupation. It is not always possible to use a drone, and certainly more expensive.

The beauty of binoculars is that they will provide teams with a panoramic or closer view of the area, which helps them plan a safe response.

Whether for recreational or professional use, binoculars provide users with a good view of their surroundings from distance. Using them, you can observe feathered creatures in the wild, look at the stars at night, hunt wildlife, explore the great outdoors in general, and make surveillance possible. Binoculars are something incredibly versatile to own because they can be used in a range of settings. Buying a pair of binoculars can therefore be seen as money well spent.

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